What did you discover this year in 2021?

 Did you have a chance to even really think about what you discovered about your dreams, your life, things you need to change?

Like maybe bad habits?!

Or, did you discover wonderful things about yourself because
it’s really easy to not allow yourself to discover or think anything good about yourself?

Even though this podcast is about what you’re called to create, I like to talk about your heart and your mind and your dreams and your desires because those are the two things(your heart and your mind) that affect your whole life.

When you work on your heart and your mind, you are able to move forward towards your dreams and what you’re called to create.

I love to talk about creating because I know that God put us here on this earth for many reasons, and one of them is to create.

We are given gifts and talents and everyone’s gift is different so creating will be different.

Now’s a good time to think about what you want to create in your life?  What did you discover that you did or didn’t do, or what did you discover about yourself?

When you talk about discovering, it’s endless on what you can talk about because we live different lives and we do different things.

Children are a good example of discovery!  They want to discover everything and look for things, and it would be so amazing if we could have the same attitude as children do.

I want you to do that for yourself starting now!  You don’t have to wait until 2022.

Do this for yourself because the more you can discover things, that’s when the possibilities of creation open up.

It’s amazing what you can create for your own life because creating is not only about making things with our hands, creating is all about our life, we create everything.  We create our homes, our lives, 

our jobs, our businesses.  We create our families.

Everything we do is a creation.

Do this because your dreams matter and you have worth and value, so pay attention to all the discoveries that you’ve made.


Let's work together!  I'm here to help you with personal
coaching-we'll dive deep into your challenges, struggles, and goals.

Email me at [email protected] and let’s get started.

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production