This Holiday Wish episode is on GIVING.

AND, that is the holiday wish I want to share with you. 

I wish for you to receive [giving] and to give [giving] if that makes any sense. And I want to start off and talk about giving in a way where we can kind of understand about giving because, you know when we think of giving, you know, it's like you're giving something or you're giving a gift to someone. But if you really think about it, giving is a two-way thing. It's like the person receiving the giving has to be able to receive it and want it so it has to be reciprocal. 

And it's not only about giving gifts or buying someone a present especially now during the holiday season. 

Giving is so much more than giving a gift or buying a present because when you think about giving something it usually has to do with either giving of your time, giving your energy, giving your emotions, giving a gift and you have to use money sometimes when you have to buy a gift, or sometimes you give money. 

And giving is such a big topic too because it involves so many of those things, your time, talent, energy, and emotions. But if you think about it, we give because we want to feel good. We want to be able to have someone receive what we're giving no matter what it is because we will always get something in return. 

And that's a good thing when you give something because you want something in return. It's good when you're doing it for the right reasons where you're giving because you want someone to love you back like when you're in a relationship you give love because you want to receive love. And you also give love because that's the right thing to do. 

And because people are so different, we all have different personalities, different thoughts, and ideas, different upbringings we will always give differently because we are different people. And that's the beauty of humanity is that we give differently because we are different. 

Can you imagine in a world where we're all the same, we just are like robots, but we're not so it's so wonderful to see all the different ways that people give of their time and energy and money. 

And, share your talents and your gifts, that’s part of giving and that's another reason why you have gifts and talents is to give
and to share with people because that is what makes the world
go round, it will brighten someone else's day. 

So I want you to think about the kind of giving that you give. What is it that you do that is just natural. Do you just naturally give up your time because that's just who you are? Do you just naturally give gifts or money to people?

Do you give your warmth of love and compassion?

Sometimes all people want is just a listening ear or somebody to love and care for them or care about them. So think about the ways that you can give and be giving in a good and positive way.  

Think about our Savior when he walked the earth. He gave us his time and love and he gave all that he had to help people and to teach. And I encourage you to use the Savior as an example in giving because he is the perfect example.

Reach out to your neighbor or anyone who you know could use five minutes of your time.

We all have five minutes to give to someone in need.  What can you give today to brighten someone's day and to make someone else's life better? 

We all have something to give that comes from a good place. We all have been given the gift of giving and love. So tap into that. And remember you have worth and value. 

Give the gift of giving of your time and your love to someone because this is what will fill your life with joy. If someone is giving something to you remember to receive it because when you give something or your time or energy to someone you want them to receive it and receive it with love and joy. 

That's what makes this world so beautiful when we can give and receive because receiving is part of giving. 

And that's my holiday wish for you today.

Happy Holidays!


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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production