In today’s episode, I want to talk about finding your rhythm because this idea popped into my mind one day.

A good example of rhythm is when you think about music is an arrangement of musical sounds, when you listen to music there’s
a rhythm to it it's a repeated pattern and when you can get into a rhythm like beautiful music it just flows and it feels good but, that also means that you have to know yourself in order to create this rhythm.

It can be harder to get into a rhythm when you’re doing things
that are hard or you don’t completely know or understand.

There’s a pattern to everything are there things you have to do before you do something in order to get into that rhythm. 

Think about a time when you knew how to get into that rhythm, what did you have to do?

It’s that flow that you want to have, and when you get into that rhythmic flow nothing can stop you now!

Have you ever experienced that and you didn’t want it to stop?

Music is like that, especially when it’s a beautiful song and you
get familiar with the rhythm of the music and you don’t it to end.

Have you ever played that song over and over because you liked
it so much?

There’s a rhythm and pattern to everything in life.

Where there’s a flow to the things you do, then things in your life don’t feel so stressful or seem like it’s a struggle. 


Let's work together!  I'm here to help you with personal coaching-we'll dive deep into your challenges, struggles, and goals.

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production