REJECTION! Never Take It Personally!

I know that’s easier said than done and, it can be super painful
and debilitating!  I know because I’ve had experiences in my life, especially as a teenager (if you know what I mean!)

But also in my business too.  Early on when I used to make things and try to sell them at Craft Fairs and not very many people were buying the things that I made was really, really hard.

That felt like the ultimate rejection I could have ever experienced
in my business.

In life and in your business you’re going to have people reject you and/or your ideas, or, criticize you and, criticizing is also a form of rejection because they’re being negative about what you say, do, and make.

But I want to tell you that to remember that 

It’s never about you when you’re criticized or rejected, it’s always about them-the other person.

When you are successful you will have people criticize you and
then reject you because they usually aren’t successful themselves and have a deep sense of lack they feel within. 

You have two choices:

You can take the route that will lead you to ignore the critics and let it motivate you to prove that what you’re doing is worth it, or, you can take the route that will lead you to get upset and drop out of life or your business.

Which are you going to choose?

You are different!  Creative people like you are different!  And being different comes with its own rewards like having success in your business, having a more fulfilling life, and more.

What can you do to motivate yourself when you’ve been rejected?

Here are the things that you can do: 

Remember that you were created by God, remember your WHY, remember your creative gifts, and remember that with your gifts-you can make a difference in your family, your community, or the world.

If you want success in whatever you’re doing you have to ignore
the critics and remember that being rejected doesn’t define who you are and it doesn’t devalue your worth. 

REMEMBER! Never take rejection personally!




If you’re a creative person who’s interested in learning how to
make your creative passion into a business I will help with clarity,
I will hold your hand and walk with you from start to finish, and
just like I used to sew elaborate outfits I will help you put all the different pieces together until you have a beautiful creation.

I am going to be your cheerleader, your technical advisor, and
I’m going to be your accountability coach.  Email me at 
[email protected]

You can also download this free business starter kit to help you
get started right away, just click on this link:

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
🎼Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production