I  share with you the10 questions you need to include in the conversation you have with yourself everyday.

The person we have a conversation with the most every single day is ourselves.

You may not have even realized it until now, but if you just take a moment to think about all the things that you think about every day of your life, you’ll come to realize that most of it were talking to yourself, also known as: conversations with yourself.

It’s pretty amazing when you think about it, that we have these conversations all day long and I wonder how in the world can we do that when we have so many things going on.

These conversations actually do one of two things: they either help us or hurt us.  And this is what I mean, it so easy for us to say negative things to ourselves when we feel like we’re not smart enough or when we compare ourselves to other people and much more.  By doing that and saying these negative things to ourselves, it really has such a hurtful effect on your mind, body and spirit.  

Now when on an occasion or two we say good things to ourselves, then it helps our happy hormones to feel good and leads us to feel happiness and joy.  That also makes our mind, body, and spirt happy too, and we want to feel happiness and joy right?

I would love for you to start having great conversations with yourself as soon as possible.  You’re definitely worth it and I hope that you know know that you’re worth it. 

I have a list of 10 questions that I put together for you to use everyday.

Start each day by reviewing all of these questions so that it can eventually become cemented in your mind, which will lead to you automatically asking yourself these questions on a daily basis.  
It’s a pretty neat thing to have that happen.

Many years ago I started to ask myself these questions and many more all the time.  It’s amazing what you start to realize when you do this every day.

These are the questions: 

 1.  How can I make it important to consider and honor my own needs? 

 2.  What is it going to take for me to start speaking the truth to myself, because truth is powerful?

 3.  How am I going to know of my self-worth which is priceless?

 4.  How can I let go of any fear that I have?

 5.  Do I have things that I doubt?  And if I do how do I let it go of that doubt?

 6.  How do I let go of any shame that I feel? 

 7.  What value do I bring to my life and to those that are in my life?

 8.  What is it going to take for me to feel joy every day?

 9.  Do I know that creativity is something that is already inside    
of me, not outside of me?

10. What do I need to do to be the creator of my success?

Now, you don’t have to ask yourself these questions in the order that I have them listed because it’s not the order in which you ask these questions, but it’s the nature of the questions themselves.

These are really powerful questions and to be asking yourself
about these

things will have such a powerful effect on you and your life.  I can promise you that.  I have done it myself for years and I can tell you that it has had such a great and powerful impact on me and how I live my life.  I know that I have become a much better person in how I do things, the way I live my life, and much more.  I’m not saying that I have it all figured out or I’m perfect because I don’t have it all figured out and I know I’m far from perfect.

I just feel better mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and I would love for you to feel all of that too.

Like I always say, write things down, get it out of your head and on to paper.

Writing things down has power.  It’s amazing what happens when you actually read your own writing.  As much as possible I recommend writing things down on paper with a writing instrument of some kind instead of typing it out on your phone or computer.

I invite you to try this out for 7 days and see how you feel after just
a week of asking yourself these powerful questions.  You will be glad you did.

Please send me an email at [email protected] and let me know if you’ve tried this exercise and how it worked for you.  I
would really love to hear from you.  I welcome any questions that you might have as well.

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Aloha, Janin

a huihou malama pono, which means - until next time, take care