Previous Episode: #011 - Fear!
Next Episode: #013 - Shame

I think a lot about all of you listeners every day and what I can share with you, and to share the things that I’ve learned and the experiences that I had.   I want to talk about Doubt-It Doesn’t Have To Be!  
I have met so many people who suffer from doubt, we have so much that we doubt in our daily lives.

I wanted to see the dictionary’s definition of ‘doubt’ and it says:
to be uncertain about, to consider questionable or unlikely, hesitate to believe, to distrust, to fear, to be apprehensive about, to be uncertain about something to be undecided in opinion or belief.

How many of you have a lot of doubt within you? Fear and doubt have a strong connection.

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they say to you “I doubt it” without even doing the research and finding out if something is true or not?

Have you ever questioned your doubt?

You should always doubt the doubt before we just accept it.

Women suffer from Fear, Doubt and Shame.

What do you doubt in your life?  Doubt comes from different places just like fear.

Doubt really stops us from achieving a lot of things and has us feeling like we can’t move forward.  It also prevents us from feeling joy and creating.

Writing everything down on paper about your doubt is a great way to figure out what is it that you’ve been doubting all these years.  Write down whatever’s going on in your life.  Write down if it’s a person that your doubting, is it a place your at right now or is it a thing in your life that you’re doubting.  Take the time to figure out what your doubts are.

We have to have trials and struggles in life, that’s how we can learn and grow and to gain knowledge to be able to overcome our weaknesses, that’s how God created life to be. 

There is a doubt that you have that is preventing you from overcoming a lot of things or achieving your goals.

Question the doubts.

Everyone I know has conversations in their mind, so why not have a conversation with yourself about figuring out what your doubts are and how to overcome them.  Work it out in your mind.  

We all have strengths and weaknesses.

If you need help with figuring out what you’re having doubts about, I will be happy to help you, send me an email at [email protected].

Doubt is a big killer of joy and creativity.  Creativity is not limited to drawing and painting, everything we do every day is creative and we're always creating.

I love people, I think people are really fascinating and we all need each other.  There’s so much we as women have to offer so many people, that’s why we need to let go of the doubt.

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