Semantic middleware platform allowing to structure, store, protect, manage and navigate along mass of audio-visual contents mixing media, hierarchized descriptions of contents and associated knowledge...

Steny Solitude, CEO of Perfect Memory, joins Marc Raco, Rob Sanchez, and guest host Nataliya Makulova on location at Valtech’s Innovation Lab during NRF 2018 in New York. Valtech is a global digital agency focused on business transformation. MouthMedia Network is Powered by Sennheiser.

Solitude shares why Perfect Memory is important

Have a channel available to listen to markets to capture and transform message coming from customers, partners etc. to convert into business

A digital access management system

Where the idea of Perfect Memory came from, how Solitude observed today every company becoming a kind of media, brands are becoming media brands, capture process and using those assets better, reinventing digital asset management into rich media content

How managing assets and what makes them accessible that’s unique, today any product needs to be connected to user experience. Now with augmented product info needs a way to collect any information that transforms everything into a rich user experience

Connect content from user along with the product content

How Perfect Memory provides upstream service, collecting data and info that will reach the front end, the job is to collect, interpret and make any data available for the user experience

Value to user, how info for user is such as how to use the product, processing content at back end

Data can generate additional information, with an AI engine that can transform a “low signal” into something that can be exploited by digital markets

Improving cross selling of the product, dealing with digital marketing, and a way to take back control for brands

Recapturing of content or on-the-fly and in the moment, any content produced by influencers is catalogued and then connected to content and product

The need for a platform that is always connected, as a network effect.

AI aspects: two branches, machine and deep learning, how to interpret, and semantic (which is an aspect often forgotten)

Interpreting and then describing in the vocabulary of the business, addressing all the facets of the data, from sound to image processing, and accessing the mood

An example of ingesting a content form in sports, both a sports path and finance path, needing to narrow what the brand want to access and what want user to pay attention to, which helps to avoid mistakes

Off the Grid Questions cover moment where human beings re-externalizing their minds, drawing something as a child that showed how different innovation can be the next step, relying on intuition as the most important attribute of a scientist, and being happily content wherever you are

And, a new era of the sharing of knowledge, and the coming of The Network of Knowledge

See for privacy information.

Semantic middleware platform allowing to structure, store, protect, manage and navigate along mass of audio-visual contents mixing media, hierarchized descriptions of contents and associated knowledge...

Steny Solitude, CEO of Perfect Memory, joins Marc Raco, Rob Sanchez, and guest host Nataliya Makulova on location at Valtech’s Innovation Lab during NRF 2018 in New York. Valtech is a global digital agency focused on business transformation. MouthMedia Network is Powered by Sennheiser.

Solitude shares why Perfect Memory is important

Have a channel available to listen to markets to capture and transform message coming from customers, partners etc. to convert into business

A digital access management system

Where the idea of Perfect Memory came from, how Solitude observed today every company becoming a kind of media, brands are becoming media brands, capture process and using those assets better, reinventing digital asset management into rich media content

How managing assets and what makes them accessible that’s unique, today any product needs to be connected to user experience. Now with augmented product info needs a way to collect any information that transforms everything into a rich user experience

Connect content from user along with the product content

How Perfect Memory provides upstream service, collecting data and info that will reach the front end, the job is to collect, interpret and make any data available for the user experience

Value to user, how info for user is such as how to use the product, processing content at back end

Data can generate additional information, with an AI engine that can transform a “low signal” into something that can be exploited by digital markets

Improving cross selling of the product, dealing with digital marketing, and a way to take back control for brands

Recapturing of content or on-the-fly and in the moment, any content produced by influencers is catalogued and then connected to content and product

The need for a platform that is always connected, as a network effect.

AI aspects: two branches, machine and deep learning, how to interpret, and semantic (which is an aspect often forgotten)

Interpreting and then describing in the vocabulary of the business, addressing all the facets of the data, from sound to image processing, and accessing the mood

An example of ingesting a content form in sports, both a sports path and finance path, needing to narrow what the brand want to access and what want user to pay attention to, which helps to avoid mistakes

Off the Grid Questions cover moment where human beings re-externalizing their minds, drawing something as a child that showed how different innovation can be the next step, relying on intuition as the most important attribute of a scientist, and being happily content wherever you are

And, a new era of the sharing of knowledge, and the coming of The Network of Knowledge

See for privacy information.