Vinnie Tortorich #4
Take a walk with me down Fascination Street as I chat with the first ever F-O-U-R time guest Vinnie Tortorich! In this episode we chat about why he and his lovely lady Serena Scott Thomas finally made the move from Los Angeles to somewhere in Virginia. How house hunting is going, and why he started yet ANOTHER company. Vinnie's newest venture is NSNG Foods and it's first product is Ultra Fat Nut Butter. We talk about why he felt the need to start this company and he gives us some details on this new nut butter product; and it's intended use. As usual; Vinnie is a delight to speak with and this episode is just as fun as his previous appearances.
Follow Vinnie on social media:
Twit: @VinnieTortorich
Insta: @VinnieTortorich
FB: Vinnie Tortorich
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