Born and raised on a small farm in a remote area of northern Alberta, Canada. Though I grew up very blue-collar, eventually pursued a career in academia (always enjoyed critical thinking, learning, and teaching). Went to Harvard for grad school with plans to become a professor. Started a tutoring and editing company while there. That company took off, so left academia with my MA. Eventually split the company into a PhD-advisory company and a book-writing/editing/pub-navigation company: Kevin Anderson & Assoc. Wife, four kids aged 5-10. Loving every minute of it all.

Where to Find Kevin Anderson kawritingFacebook Kevin Anderson & Associates: Ghostwriting, Editing, & Publishing NavigationTwitter Kevin Anderson & Associates

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This episode is sponsored by Entire Productions- Creating events (both in-person and virtual) that don't suck! and Entire Productions Marketing- carefully curated premium gifting and branded promo items. 


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