Brad is a lifetime entrepreneur having built multiple domestic and international businesses with distribution across 18 countries. He is currently the Founder &  CEO of Outsource Access, an offshore virtual services firm he has grown to 360 employees in just over two years with a target of 450 staff by the end of this year. He also co-founded a software platform, 1-ON-1 Connections, that drives the value of membership organizations by creating 1 on 1 meeting matchups and introductions at scale. He walks-the-walk with expertise on scaling, automation, outsourcing and high-performance virtual teams. 

Brad has also advised business and civic leaders including direct strategic work with Martin Luther King III and for his current philanthropic efforts in launching Virtual Assistants Give Back, a documentary film was made about his firm and he was selected to run a think-tank on Economic Growth at the United Nations headquarters.  He also co-founded a 5-year charitable event to support Breast Cancer awareness.  

Brad is a global keynote speaker through his firm BST International  in the USA, Canada, South America, Latin America, Canada, Africa, Middle East, Australia and Asia.  He speaks on agility and scaling with opportunities to share stages alongside thought leaders such as John Maxwell and Deepak Chopra. 

He speaks to CEO peer groups, universities, and business organizations including Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), John Maxwell Ambassadors, SCORE, SIOR, Women Presidents’ Organization, International Entrepreneur Summit, The Growth Hacking Conference, Life by Design Summit, Vistage, TAB, and the CEO Brain Trust. 

Brad is also a published TEDx Speaker on the topic of How Personal Global Economies Are Redefining Entrepreneurship and created the podcast Automate & Delegate - What Should You NOT Be Doing with guests sharing specific tools, resources and strategies to fast track their business and personal growth. 

He has been featured in the Wall Street Business Network and Inc Magazine 4 times on multiple business strategy topics including insights on why “hedgehogs” and “flywheels” have been key to the rapid growth of his current firm  on the other side of the globe without being able to physically visit due to Covid.  He has been featured on the cover of Rising Stars of Simply Buckhead Magazine and the cover of Small Business Magazine

Brad is also  a 9-year Member of the Global Entrepreneurs’ Organization currently serving as the EO US East Regional Director for Member Engagement across 22 chapters and over 1,000 members.  He has also served as President for the EO Atlanta Chapter along with roles as Accelerator and Strategic Alliance Partner Chair. 

Brad graduated from the Wharton Business School with Finance and Marketing Concentrations and lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife Cindy, a passionate educator for 13 years, and their two children that keep them quite busy, Ella and Brayden.  Connect with Brad on LinkedIn here.

Where to Find Brad Stevens


Instagram: @outsourceaccessFacebook: Brad Stevens | @outsourceaccessLinkedIn: Brad StevensYoutube:

Brad is a lifetime entrepreneur having built multiple domestic and international businesses with distribution across 18 countries. He is currently the Founder &  CEO of Outsource Access, an offshore virtual services firm he has grown to 360 employees in just over two years with a target of 450 staff by the end of this year. He also co-founded a software platform, 1-ON-1 Connections, that drives the value of membership organizations by creating 1 on 1 meeting matchups and introductions at scale. He walks-the-walk with expertise on scaling, automation, outsourcing and high-performance virtual teams. 

Brad has also advised business and civic leaders including direct strategic work with Martin Luther King III and for his current philanthropic efforts in launching Virtual Assistants Give Back, a documentary film was made about his firm and he was selected to run a think-tank on Economic Growth at the United Nations headquarters.  He also co-founded a 5-year charitable event to support Breast Cancer awareness.  

Brad is a global keynote speaker through his firm BST International  in the USA, Canada, South America, Latin America, Canada, Africa, Middle East, Australia and Asia.  He speaks on agility and scaling with opportunities to share stages alongside thought leaders such as John Maxwell and Deepak Chopra. 

He speaks to CEO peer groups, universities, and business organizations including Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), John Maxwell Ambassadors, SCORE, SIOR, Women Presidents’ Organization, International Entrepreneur Summit, The Growth Hacking Conference, Life by Design Summit, Vistage, TAB, and the CEO Brain Trust. 

Brad is also a published TEDx Speaker on the topic of How Personal Global Economies Are Redefining Entrepreneurship and created the podcast Automate & Delegate - What Should You NOT Be Doing with guests sharing specific tools, resources and strategies to fast track their business and personal growth. 

He has been featured in the Wall Street Business Network and Inc Magazine 4 times on multiple business strategy topics including insights on why “hedgehogs” and “flywheels” have been key to the rapid growth of his current firm  on the other side of the globe without being able to physically visit due to Covid.  He has been featured on the cover of Rising Stars of Simply Buckhead Magazine and the cover of Small Business Magazine

Brad is also  a 9-year Member of the Global Entrepreneurs’ Organization currently serving as the EO US East Regional Director for Member Engagement across 22 chapters and over 1,000 members.  He has also served as President for the EO Atlanta Chapter along with roles as Accelerator and Strategic Alliance Partner Chair. 

Brad graduated from the Wharton Business School with Finance and Marketing Concentrations and lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife Cindy, a passionate educator for 13 years, and their two children that keep them quite busy, Ella and Brayden.  Connect with Brad on LinkedIn here.

Where to Find Brad Stevens


Instagram: @outsourceaccessFacebook: Brad Stevens | @outsourceaccessLinkedIn: Brad StevensYoutube: Outsource Access

Brad Stevens Tech Tools


This episode is sponsored by Entire Productions- Creating events (both in-person and virtual) that don't suck! and Entire Productions Marketing- carefully curated premium gifting and branded promo items. 


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