Andrea Heuston is the Founder and CEO of Artitudes Design Inc. and has been in the tech industry for over 30 years. In 2020, she started her own podcast “The Lead Like a Woman Show” focusing on empowering women leaders to empower others through topical discussions and interviews with female leaders. She is passionate about helping to close the gender gap for women in business. Her recent book, Stronger on the Other Side, was written to empower women with the power to choose their own path. When she’s not busy with speaking, writing, hosting, and creative projects, you can find her walking on the beach with her family and two Australian Shepherds.

Where to Find Andrea Heuston


Instagram: @andrea_heustonFacebook: @leadlikeawomanshow LinkedIn: Andrea HeustonAmazon: Andrea Heuston


This episode is sponsored by Entire Productions- Creating events (both in-person and virtual) that don't suck! and Entire Productions Marketing- carefully curated premium gifting and branded promo items. 


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