Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, also known as The Black Farmer, hopes he can increase the diversity of the students at the Royal Agricultural University, where he has been appointed as governor. To change the industry for the future he says more land must be made available to new entrants and farming as a career needs to be "sexed up"!

The author of the UK Food Strategy, Henry Dimbleby has called for a ‘Land Use Framework’ during an evidence session with the Environment Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee of MPs. Mr Dimbleby said there should be a plan for land use…which defines how much land is set aside for nature, how much is farmed with nature in mind, and how much is put over to intensive food production

And the oldest trout farm in England says drought is threatening its future after losing thousands of fish in the extreme heats of the summer. Bibury Trout Farm in the Cotswolds says it has lost more than 25,000 fish after a lack of rainfall affected water levels on the River Coln.

Presented by Anna Hill
Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Heather Simons