The UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme has been running for over 6 years now, with thousands of people counting insects in gardens, parks and on farms. So how are our pollinators faring?

We visit a network of connected land in Ayrshire, designed to encourage pollinators. The network is being expanded after receiving funding from the Scottish Government. It was set up over the last decade or so, and includes farmland, council land and some unexpected leisure areas.

And according to a recent study from the charity the Farm Safety Foundation, 95% of UK farmers under the age of 40 rank poor mental health as the biggest hidden problem facing farmers today. Farmstrong Scotland is doing what it can to help, by organising events where people can get together to discuss wellbeing. We report from one of them - on a farm in East Lothian, which has a recently opened outdoor sauna.

Presented by Anna Hill
Produced for BBC Audio Bristol by Heather Simons