Muddled, costly and unnecessary regulatory burdens - that's the Food and Drink Federation's description of new labelling rules which it says will cost food companies million of pounds. From October dairy and meat products for sale in Great Britain will have to have 'not for EU' on the packaging. Just as products on sale in Northern Ireland have had since last year. The Government says the aim is to make sure that Northern Irish consumers have access to the same goods, as with the same labels there isn't an incentive for companies not to sell in Northern Ireland. The FDF says that's unnecessary. We hear from the boss of a dairy company who says it will cost them at least £300,000.

Succession is something we talk about a lot on Farming Today - for farming families where no one wants to take over the business, share farming can be a solution. We visit a couple who have set up a share farming deal with one young farmer to see how it works.

And 30 million pounds is needed to improve mountain paths in Scotland - that's on top of the five million already spent on 140km of trails in the two National Parks. The government agency Nature Scot says paths in the uplands need work. But what’s in it for land owners and managers?

Presented by Charlotte Smith
Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Heather Simons