In previous reflections, it was mentioned that the state of "I thirst" has become a "pandemic" in our world. Today, let us deepen our understanding of this state of "I thirst". In this online retreat, "I thirst" refers to the dryness of our spiritual and mental state. Few people would describe their condition in this way, just as people lacked knowledge and understanding of depression in the past and did not take it seriously. Only in recent years, through extensive media coverage, the public has come to understand that many serious conditions, such as suicidal tendencies, might be caused by depression.

The condition of "I thirst" that we are discussing here is more common than emotional illnesses such as depression, and includes more mental and spiritual conditions. Most people may not be aware of its existence or admit that they have this problem. In today’s world, people lead busy lives, and they are distracted by the desire to fulfill different wants, which leads to neglect of this fundamental desire. Only those who have a high level of spiritual sensitivity would know that they are in a state of "I thirst". Although most people do not realize that they are in a state of "I thirst", it does not mean that they are mentally and spiritually healthy. On the contrary, the less aware they are of this situation, the more lax they are in guarding against it, and the more vulnerable they are to being affected and becoming victims.

Unlike the COVID-19 pandemic, the condition of "I thirst" can be considered an "invisible pandemic" that quietly erodes our mental and spiritual health. However, because few people are aware of this hidden threat, no one is concerned about it or advocates the need for its prevention. As a result, no remedy is in sight. Also, because it is not life-threatening, it will not prompt different countries to actively develop "vaccines'' and epidemic prevention measures like those of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is why the "invisible pandemic" — "I thirst" — is so alarming!

In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen as a blessing in disguise. Because during the pandemic, we were forced to pause and have more time for ourselves and those around us, especially our families. But now that we are in the post-pandemic era, when everything seems to be back to normal, we are prone to neglecting our mental and spiritual well-being, thinking that "I'm OK, you are OK, and everyone is OK!"

We need to constantly ask ourselves while everything seems to have returned to normal, but do we really have no problems? As we discussed before, the two main tactics that the devil often uses will rampage in the post-pandemic era. We really cannot take it lightly! But how can we increase our sensitivity to our mental and spiritual needs?

God has already warned us through the Holy Spirit. But when we are busy trying to satisfy the various desires in our lives, we not only don't have time but also don't have the heart to respond to God's call deep in our hearts. Unfortunately, most people, even Christians, because of various distractions and temptations, do not have the awareness or are too busy to face this "spiritual dryness". As Christians, we need to first save ourselves so that we can assume the role of a prophet to awaken others.

In the face of the attacks of the devil's two major tactics, we have two strategies to cope. The first strategy is the "mountaintop experience" mentioned the day before, that is, we must constantly revisit the "evidence of God's love" in our lives, including the experience of "encountering the Lord" and the various graces He has given us. In the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, these experiences are called "spiritual consolation".

The second strategy is to "enter the wilderness", which means to pause our never-ending hectic life, break away from the fast pace and noises, and enter a state of stillness and tranquility, to face ourselves and God. Lent is the perfect time for this! Before starting His public ministry, Jesus humbly let the Holy Spirit lead Him into the wilderness, where He fasted and prayed, talked and united with the Father. We should also follow Jesus' example, respond to the call of the Father in our hearts, and listen to God’s messages and His will for us before we set out again.


Is your life too fast-paced, depriving you of the time to encounter the Lord or appreciate the various graces that God has given you?

Please examine if you are in the state of "I thirst". Do you feel a mental and spiritual need that has not been met?

Are you willing to take advantage of the Lenten season to pause, give yourself a chance to breathe, and leave some space for the Father, who has been waiting for you?

Today’s Prayer

Father, I know You have been calling out to me, but I have not responded to You due to various reasons and excuses. I know You are heartbroken and have been waiting patiently for me. Abba Father, how can I be so indifferent and cruel to You! Please awaken my conscience and teach me to feel Your pain and Your loving concern for me. Strengthen my will to respond to Your call and to encounter You during this Lenten season.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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