Among all of Jesus’ closest friends, some of them can be considered His confidantes; Mary is definitely one of them.  Mary is an introvert, contrary to Martha, an extrovert, who is more energetic and often excels in social settings. Her introspection, caring consideration for others, and tenderness offer Jesus the warmth of friendship and make him feel right at home.

Both Mary and Martha have made Jesus feel welcomed, but each accomplishes that by different means.  When a close friend like Jesus visits, Mary chooses to be with Him; hanging onto His every word and attending to His needs.

During Jesus’ times, disciples learn from their master by sitting at his feet, listening to the master’s words and teachings.  Mary is doing the exact same thing.  Despite being a female, the custom of the time that prohibited females to sit with a male has not dampened Mary’s longing to listen to Jesus’ words and teachings.

Jesus desires everyone to become His disciples and confidantes. Jesus understands that “Mary has chosen the better part”. Who can take this away from her  (Luke 10:42)?

It is not difficult for us to see that “the better part” means choosing Jesus - conversing with and listening to Him. Even busy people would agree with this and may take time to pray. However, what Jesus cares about is whether we know how to prioritize our time between work and prayer. Poor lifestyle and incorrect attitude may lead to distractions. More importantly, this may even put us in danger.   Indeed, it is our choices that have broken Jesus’ heart.

There is no doubt that Jesus loves both Martha and Mary; however, it is Mary who really understands Jesus, making her more receptive to Jesus’ messages.  Therefore, this also makes it easier for Jesus to communicate with her. A strong relationship is built on the foundation of mutual understanding; and communication is key to promote mutual understanding. If we want to become Jesus’ confidante, we must follow Mary’s footsteps and learn from her. By Mary’s example, we, too, may establish an intimate relationship with God.

To become Jesus’ confidante, we do not begin by offering our services and work; instead, we must begin by keeping Him company, listening to Him and “staying” with Him (Ref. John 1:39). That means, we begin by encountering Him.

Are we willing to become Jesus’ confidante?


How do you receive our Lord Jesus? Do you desire to be like Mary who “has chosen the better part”?

Do you long to become Jesus’ confidante? Do you recognize that this is what Jesus referred to as “the better part”?

Today’s Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, I understand that my past choices have worried you.  I thought you wanted me to do more good work and services, but I have forgotten the most important thing! I finally understand what has broken your heart. Help me not to be numbed by work; inflame my desire to encounter you in my daily life, accompany you, listen to you, and stay with you, so that I may become your confidante. For this I pray in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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