In the Parable of the Talents, we may be puzzled by one thing: Is God’s gift to us unconditional or conditional (ref. Matthew 25:14-30)?

If we interpret this parable from a literal perspective, it appears that God can be quite calculating and shrewd, especially when it comes to the “talents” that He has given us, and at the end He will demand us to return everything to Him with “interests”!  So, is God’s love and gift for us not unconditional?  Doesn’t this contradict our image of God whom we believe?

How shall we resolve this dilemma?  Do we actually have freedom to choose how we use our God-given “talents”?

We need to understand that, in fact,  we are the stewards of God’s gifts, that is, the “talents” in the parable.  We are asked to temporarily manage these talents and return them someday.  So, when do we “return” them?  On the day of our departure from this world and returning to our Father’s house, or when these “talents” are no longer beneficial and useful for us, they will be “taken back”.  Therefore, we shouldn’t worry too much about how much “talents” are given to us as they don’t belong to us in the first place.  The amount of gifts has no impact on how well we can utilize them to yield a profit for God.  In fact, when we truly audit all the gifts that we received, we are richer than we think.  One question remains: how shall we reconcile the fact that God demands us to return our “talents” to Him, principles and interests included?

We may be able to find some clues from the scene that follows the Parable of the Talents in the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus discussed “the judgement of the nations” (ref. Matthew 25:31-46).  In truth,  it is by serving the least brothers and sisters of Jesus that we can best use our given talents. If we use our talents of “compassion” and “love”, bestowed on us by our Heavenly Father, to care for the least of our sisters and brothers, the “compassion” and “love” we received will be multiplied through our acts of kindness, just as the “talents” being multiplied through wise investments.  On the contrary, if we become a miser who refuses to use our “talents” on the least of our sisters and brothers, these “talents” will lose their purpose and become obsolete!  Such “privatized” talents are no longer gifts and thus, have lost their intended purpose designated by God.

Certainly, God wishes us to fully utilize these talents to serve “the least”, our sisters and brothers most in need.  Their needs may be physical and material, or perhaps mental and spiritual. As we care for their needs, Jesus wants us to follow His example and bring the full measure of the Good News of salvation to them, so that they may get to know our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour who can lead us to eternal life.  As a result, they, the least of our sisters and brothers, will not only receive God’s grace during their life on earth, but also share in the joy of eternal salvation at the end!

This, in fact, is the true meaning of “living for God”; our earthly “work” that is most pleasing to God.  Our God who gives unconditionally does not want us to be perfect in “reciprocating love for love”, rather, He only desires us to follow His example of sacrificing ourselves for others.  In this way, we can truly live for the benefits of others in the name of “living for God”.  Indeed, such  is our only way to return God’s love for us.

If every single Christian endeavours to fulfil this duty, we will be able to accomplish “the greater works” commanded by Jesus.  Indeed, such is our lifelong lesson!


Do you yearn for “living for God”?  How would you make this a reality in your life?

How can you achieve the goal of being utilized by God?  What would you like to do for God?

Have you ever, consciously or unconsciously, buried some of the “talents” without fully utilizing them?

Today’s Prayer

Loving Abba Father, I recognize how inadequate my understanding of “living for You” and “labouring for You” is!  I may be “living for You” and “labouring for You” in name only; in reality, I only live for myself and do what pleases me.  My immature thinking has prompted me to, consciously or unconsciously, bury the ”talents” that You have given me.  Thank you for opening my mind so I may begin to understand the true meaning of “living for You”.  Instead of following my own idea of living and labouring for You, I should  follow the example of Jesus, lay down myself and enter into others’ lives, in order to live and make sacrifices for them.  From now on, I am willing to follow Your guidance so that I may live for others in You.  For this I pray, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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