In yesterday’s reflection, we have explored the severe impact of hidden emotional baggage on us.  Among the different types of emotional baggage, some trauma in the past may have left deeper scars, thus, have a greater impact on us. For instance, when we are betrayed by our trusted friends, or even family members, feelings of rage, fear, insecurity, or abandonment overwhelm us. These negative emotions firmly take hold in our minds, thanks to our memories of these traumatic experiences. As a result, we may be unable to trust others, and begin to hide away and isolate ourselves; at the same time, we also lose faith and hope in others and the world around us. When we attempt to shield ourselves from harm, we tell ourselves, “There’s no one I can trust in this world”; “I can only believe in myself”; “I must be the problem and that’s why other people treat me like this” … All these are lies planted by the devil in our hearts, which can shape the foundation of our thought patterns. We may even attempt to seek out evidence that confirms our thinking. This is how the devil’s lies grow. In addition, we may even build a system of thought patterns to defend these lies and to prevent ourselves and others from dismantling the strongholds of our “self-preservation mechanism”. The devil takes advantage of our reactions to traumatic experiences to control, incite, manipulate and restrain us in our daily lives and interactions with others.

When one is hurting, many will choose avoidance rather than dealing with the problems related to the wound and finding solutions. With the exception of some serious cases where one may need professional help, we, a people of faith, must, first, take refuge in Jesus Christ. He has endured the greatest physical, emotional and spiritual suffering for our sake. Therefore, He understands everything that we are going through. If He is willing to conquer sins and death through His own death and resurrection to gain for us the blessing of eternal life, bringing us a new life, He will also save us from the enslavement of the devil.

Let us not repeat Adam and Eve’s mistake of succumbing to the devil’s bait, doubting God’s love for us and hiding from Him. May we put our trust in God; He, who has created us, has the power and desire to free us from all kinds of bondage!

However, we must first recognize that we might have hurt God, others, and ourselves in the process, and the times when we fail to believe and abandon God. Therefore, let us humble ourselves, repent, and ask for our Father’s forgiveness. During the process of releasing ourselves from our spiritual bondage, as Jesus forgave those who persecuted Him on the cross, we, too, must follow Christ’s teachings to forgive those who have wronged us. Then, in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ, we will be able to renounce and banish all the evil forces that have been gripping us, and regain our freedom. (Ref. Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance, by Neal Lozano)

St. Paul writes in his second letter to the Corinthians, chapter 10, verses 4 to 5:
“... or the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ.”  (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)


Are you distressed by traumatic experiences in the past?

Are you determined and willing to accept help from Jesus to  be released from your spiritual bondage?

Today’s Prayer

Merciful Abba Father, thank you for awakening me from the shadows of all my emotional baggage. I understand that all my traumatic experiences in the past have had a severe negative impact on me, which have unconsciously bound me to the enslavement and manipulation of the devil. I am resolute to be close to You; know that only You can release me from my spiritual bondage. Please strengthen my will power, grant me a humble and forgiving heart, help me to trust You completely and to believe that in You, I will reclaim my freedom and receive a new life. For this I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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