Previous Episode: Day 4 – Come back to me
Next Episode: Day 7 – My Departure

A man had two sons, and the younger son said to his father, “Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.” So the father divided the property between them. After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country…(Luke 15:11-13a)

Imagine for a minute what flashes through the father’s mind the moment the son demands his share of his father’s estate. A heart-wrenching pain struck him as he listened between the lines of what his son said to his face.

“I don’t care about you, whether you are alive or dead. Just give me my share of the inheritance I will be entitled to when you die!” 

“I no longer want to have any relationship with you. I want no part of you nor this family!”

“I can’t stand staying with you any longer! I can’t wait until you are dead to leave you!”

“What you have done for me over the years means absolutely nothing to me!”

“I have no time to speak with you and I don’t love you anymore. Just divide your property, give me my share, and let me go!”

Judging from the character of the father in the parable, one can hardly believe there is any valid reason that would justify the son’s action. You can imagine how shocked the father was when his son made such a demand on him. No words could describe the pain in his heart.

If you were the father, how would you feel? And how would you react to your son’s demand? What would have gone through your mind? 

“What happened?”

“What have I done wrong to deserve this cruel treatment from you, my beloved child?” 

“What can I do to make him stay?” 

“Why don’t you understand, my child? Will you ever understand my heart for you?”

“What… why…

Suddenly, years of sacrifices are worth nothing! The father’s heart is broken, and he wonders why this would ever happen to him. Logic stops making sense... Time seems to have frozen… No word comes out of his mouth, and their gazes find nowhere to meet…

“What happened to my beloved child? I know I am losing him...”

A million years seemed to have passed within a split second. “What should I tell him?” the father asked himself.

Feeling his heart pierced and shattered, he divided his property and let him go…

And there, he left!


Do you feel the pain of the father’s heart? Can you relate to him?

Do you wonder why the father let his child go? Why did the father allow his son to have his way?

Can you relate to this story? Sounds familiar? Someone you know, someone you hate, someone you love, someone… you?


My Lord, and my God, my heart aches just to think about what You have experienced all these years since You have created mankind, and since You have created me. I don’t know how you could tolerate all such nonsense from me all these years… from a thought that offended you, silently going through my mind, to any of my actions that pierced your heart! I can hardly imagine nor comprehend just how much you have suffered because of me, and of all humankind throughout history! Help me to connect with You once again, my dear Father, and allow me to soothe your pain. Father, I love You!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

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