This week we will talk about handling difficult people. Usually, the difficult person is someone who is working from the negative side of their personality, rather than a conscious desire to be difficult. This week Reginald E. Daniels will join me. He is a Minister who has made it his goal in life to share God’s word, and teach us how to communicate effectively with our loved ones and colleagues. He is now on a nationwide book tour with Authors with a Passion Book Tour 2009. His new book entitled “Getting Along With You Know Who: A Practical Approach to Relationship Building” explores all types of relationships. Also, Henry Edmonds will co-host the show with me tonight. Henry earned his B. S. Degree from Shaw University. He holds a Masters Degree in Secondary Urban Education and Administration from Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio. He is a dedicated educator, pastor, community organizer, and servant of the people. His public and private life combines to make him a powerful and inspiring creative artist, educator, activist, and church leader. If you want to learn how you can improve your interpersonal skills, listen today and the next few weeks as we dissect this thing called Human Relations.