The idea of THE MISSING provides fertile ground for bent psyches determined to read sinister plots behind every hill, isolated copse of trees or lone the house squatting far outside whatever passes for civilization this far into God’s forgotten backcountry. On this episode Fiasco explores the Missing 411 phenomenon of David Paulides, the discovery of a makeshift torture chamber in the Neatherlands plus ghost hauntings in Grand Junction. But none of that will prepare you for Fiasco's first hand encounter with the legendary monster, Obie.  * * * FULL SNOW NOTES: Far Off Topic YouTube  

The idea of THE MISSING provides fertile ground for bent psyches determined to read sinister plots behind every hill, isolated copse of trees or lone the house squatting far outside whatever passes for civilization this far into God’s forgotten backcountry. On this episode Fiasco explores the Missing 411 phenomenon of David Paulides, the discovery of a makeshift torture chamber in the Neatherlands plus ghost hauntings in Grand Junction. But none of that will prepare you for Fiasco's first hand encounter with the legendary monster, Obie.  * * * FULL SNOW NOTES: Far Off Topic YouTube