Stuart Widdowson founded Odyssean Capital, is co-manager of the Odyssean Investment Trust, and has a wealth of experience investing in UK-listed smaller companies.  We discuss the lessons Stuart has applied to public equity investing from his days in private equity, the rewards derived from investing in good quality companies that can be improved, and the overall state of the UK market.

 Show notes:
[01:28] Stuart discusses his early career
[04:12] Swapping private equity for public equity investing
[06:11] The market imperfections in small cap investing
[07:44] A focus on global niche market leaders
[09:35] Stuart’s ambitions for Odyssean Capital and its cultural values
[11:51] The meaning behind the Odyssean name
[12:49] The benefits of concentration
[14:25] Managing risk and avoiding bad businesses
[16:41] The quality attributes Stuart looks for
[19:38] Pattern recognition in TMT, healthcare, specialist industrials and services
[22:18] Being cycle aware rather than trying to time cycles
[24:18] The role of static and dynamic valuation
[28:20] Managing for liquidity
[31:27] Identifying companies with the potential for self-help
[34:15] Backing people and focusing on what is fixable
[36:05] Being credible when engaging with companies
[39:37] The structural headwinds facing UK equities and the valuation opportunity
[43:16] Contrarians come in first
[44:18] Navigating a higher cost of capital
[47:20] Find out what you enjoy and are good at and get a good mentor