As fantasy managers, we often face difficult decisions. To sit, or not to sit? In an age where data is coming at us more frequently than ever, it’s easy for information to become over-saturated or lost in translation. This video series will be here each week to help you filter through the jungle of statistics so you can make more educated lineup decisions. Welcome to the “Panic Meter.”

Each week, we’ll feature several underperforming players with an assigned grade corresponding to the appropriate level of panic for the respective player/performance. Below is a scale with grades between 0 and 4, as well as a strategy that correlates to the specific grade:

0 - This past week was not ideal, but it can be chalked up as an anomaly. Don’t even think about benching them. 1 - Panic is setting in. The leash becomes shorter but said player is still in consideration as a starter. Make sure a plan B is in place. 2 - Officially panicked, exploring trade options, and possibly benching for a more proven/reliable option. 3 - Fire sale. Get rid of them for whatever you can before it’s too late. They can no longer be trusted as a starter. A borderline drop-candidate. 4 - Sever all ties. Smash the drop button so hard that man ends up in the shadow realm.

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