Our guests today are Brakish and Haplo (from the minds of Tyson and Chadwick, respectively). Brakish and Haplo are a couple of scamps that have ventured to several different fantasy worlds!. In this interview, we talk about how the two of them ended up in cahoots with one another, where they see their adventures taking them in the future, and we even get to hear them plug their own fictional reality.

Brakish and Haplo's Fictional Reality Link Tree: linktr.ee/Haplo

Brakish and Haplo's Fictional Reality Podcast Page: Brakish and Haplo's Fictional Reality!

Brakish's Twitter: twitter.com/BruiserBrakish

Haplo's Twitter: twitter.com/HaplofSamsara

System: Many, including D&D and Rupture

Content Warnings: Talks of violence, killing, drug use, theft, slavery, sex, prostitution, parent death, and a plethora of swears.

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Music by Sasquatch #13: https://campsite.bio/sasquatchnumber13

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