The RSJ Boys return for the third annual Super Bowl Prop Bets Spectacular. First, we preview the game through a betting lens, giving you our takes on the winner and over/under while predicting the game-flow. Then, we breakdown who we expect to blow-up and why, and which bets you can make to capitalize on their monster performances. How many yards will Patrick Mahomes and Jimmy Garoppolo chuck for? Who else could win MVP besides the QBs? Why is George Kittle about to explode? Who’ll score first, and which “Hail Mary” style bets and parlays could get you rich on the cheap?

Then, we tackle the real crucial questions around the National Anthem, Halftime Show, and our other favorite props. Which song will JLo and Shakira open with? Will they twerk? Will Andy Reid eat a cheeseburger or wear a Hawiian shirt? Will we get a fight and ejection, and is Michael Vick going to tweet during the Puppy Bowl? Enjoy the game of the year all while stuffing your wallets with the RSJ’s Super Bowl Prop Bets spectacular!