Welcome to Fantasy Football, in Theory, a brand new fantasy football podcast dedicated to high-level fantasy strategy in the abstract.


Episode 1 looks at questions of size and how much it matters for wide receivers in the NFL. If you enjoyed this episode and are interested in further exploring this topic, here are some suggested readings:

WR Size: Is It Valid Analysis, by Matt Waldman and Chase Stuart - https://mattwaldmanrsp.com/2014/06/02/wrsizeisitvalidanalysis/

Chubby Chasers Revisited: Do We Still Like Heavy Receivers? by Frank DuPont - http://rotoviz.com/2014/06/chubby-chasers-revisited-do-we-still-like-heavy-receivers/

And three articles by yours truly:

It's Not the Size, (It's How You Use It) - http://subscribers.footballguys.com/apps/article.php?article=HarstadWRSize1

Lies, Damned Lies, and Big Receivers - http://subscribers.footballguys.com/apps/article.php?article=HarstadWRSize2

On Being the Right Size - http://subscribers.footballguys.com/apps/article.php?article=HarstadDiT31