Ya Boy - August 21st and its Episode 190 and this is the Fantasy Football Auctioneer Podcast. The Fantasy Football Auctioneer Podcast is the official podcast of TheFantasyFootballAuction.com - the only website dedicated to Fantasy Football Auctions.
We have got a great show for you tonight. …

Tonight we are going to break down our big home auction draft

But of course, our analyst’s they’re always here…

He back from a big fly-in fishing trip - Blistr how was the fishing?

And he successfully commished another big home auction draft. Slim how did the night go?

Mock drafts - [email protected] - draw for a free membership - Paul Aguayo
Cock The Hammer It’s Time For Action:
Tonight we are going to break down the big auction draft…

Team breakdowns
Your best deal of the night
Biggest regrets