It’s the last quickie before the NBA All-Star Break and not surprisingly, a bunch of players took an early vacation as they rested from today’s games. Still there were some really nice performances worth talking about.

Jimmy Butler is slowly moving up the ranks and he looks to be one of those players who is primed to have a big second half of the season. Demar Derozan is another very underrated player who has been playing well since the start of the year. Now the question is, will he remain a Spur or will he be seen in a different uniform soon. Derozan’s fate before the trade deadline would be crucial for his fantasy value moving forward.

Then there were a few downers. Andrew Wiggins without Golden State’s top 3 players was just mediocre. And he seems to be trending down as well - quite far off from the Andrew Wiggins that started the season. We wonder what type of Wiggins will we see in the second half.

Well, that's it! I know the NBA will be on break for about a week, but keep following us on our page, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you listen/watch us. We have a few episodes in store for you during this break, including live Q & A session, midseason checkpoint and discussion of strategies moving forward so watch out for those.

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