In this episode, we interview the master percussionist Sandy Perez.  Sandy is one of the most talented musicians alive today and we are extraordinarily lucky to get to speak with him on the podcast.  There are a few things to mention about this interview.   

Firstly, and most obviously, for the interview Sandy is mostly speaking in Spanish, and we do our best to translate most of it, and Sandy's long time student Toby Gastor is there to assist with the translation.

We recorded this in a space where people were coming in and out, so there is some background noise, and several interruptions which may seem very out of place if you are a regular listener of this podcast.  Some of the other people actually chime in here and there, so you may hear some additional voices other than the primary 4 people holding most of the conversation.

We felt it was appropriate to record a separate podcast, where we cover some of the basics of afrocuban music.  So if you are new to this music, it might be worthwhile to check out that episode first.

Lastly, there is a video recording of this interview that will be released on youtube that includes some additional footage that is worth checking out.

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