Jon went to GDC. Jon. Anderson. GRRRR….
In keeping with our storied tradition, he is reporting his day one wrap up of the games hes played and the things what…

Jon went to GDC. Jon. Anderson. GRRRR….

In keeping with our storied tradition, he is reporting his day one wrap up of the games hes played and the things what he has seen with his special co-host and games journalist Tyler Treese (@tylertreese). Not me, the guy who he started podcasting with.

The show image represent betrayal. That is all. Enjoy your podcast built on lies.

And as always, you can reach us at [email protected], or by calling 720.HOODIE.6 (720.466.3436). Follow FredJon, & the show on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. If you’d prefer to get us on Tumblr, we are there. Subscribe and rate us on iTunes.


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