The Thrustmaster is many things to many people. Dashing, Domineering, Daring, but always, always thrusting.
This week we play some retro games, talk about some video game cartoons, and…


The Thrustmaster is many things to many people. Dashing, Domineering, Daring, but always, always thrusting.

This week we play some retro games, talk about some video game cartoons, and “play” the “game” Her Story in gameclub.

As always, you can reach us at [email protected], or by calling 720.HOODIE.6 (720.466.3436). Follow FredJon, & the show on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. If you’d prefer to get us on Tumblr, we are there. Subscribe and rate us on iTunes.


– Savant – Megaboy

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