Here’s the audio from this month’s Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading series, with guests P. Djéli Clark & Eric Schaller. A full house with great readings from both authors and some nice words for recently passed authors Richard Bowes and... Continue Reading →

Here’s the audio from this month’s Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading series, with guests P. Djéli Clark & Eric Schaller. A full house with great readings from both authors and some nice words for recently passed authors Richard Bowes and Terry Bisson (Terry was the co-founder of the Fantastic Fiction reading series in the late 90s).​​​


P. Djéli Clark

Phenderson Djéli Clark is the award-winning and Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and Sturgeon nominated author of the novels Abeni’s Song and A Master of Djinn, and the novellas Ring Shout, The Black God’s Drums, and The Haunting of Tram Car 015. His short stories have appeared in online venues such as and in print anthologies including, Hidden Youth and Black Boy Joy. His upcoming novella, The Dead Cat Tail Assassins, will be out in 2024.


Eric Schaller

Eric Schaller’s latest collection of dark fiction, Voice of the Stranger contains stories selected for Fantasy: Best of the Year, Best of the Rest, and The Year’s Best Weird Fiction. His fiction can also be found in his collection Meet Me in the Middle of the Air and in many anthologies and magazines. His stories are influenced in part by his studies in the biological sciences and the uneasy relationship humans have with each other and the world around them.