It’s beginning to look a lot like, a new episode of your favourite show, Fans On The Run! In this episode, I’m joined by a New York Times bestselling author, and the co-host of fellow podcast The Beatles Naked, Richard Buskin! We talk about Beatles political cartoons, “Swinging London” and Carnaby Street, practicing the “Lennon Stance” with a plastic Beatle toy guitar, the joys of Sixties pirate radio, a bizarre tale of a school performance of “All You Need Is Love” in the summer of love, the most extensive mention of Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich that this show has ever seen, Richard’s tailor father making suits for The Troggs to wear on “Top Of The Pops”, how he got a bestselling book in the USA, and the emotional response to seeing Paul McCartney getting mobbed outside the MPL offices, and more!


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