Quarantine enters its fourth or fifth year so it’s time for another Wellness Check. Today’s is with former Cubs player and coach Bob Dernier. Bob was an awesome guest not once but twice. Our first conversation didn’t properly record so Brad had the embarrassing distinction of having two great wellness checks with Bob. Our mutual friend and last week’s guest Stewart McVicar connected Bob and Brad, saying that Bob is a great guy and would be a tremendous guest. He was not wrong! Bob talked about how he’s holding up in quarantine with his wife and 86-year-old mother, the interesting way he’s still getting in swings as an avid golfer, some of the highlights of his time with the Cubs as a player in the ’80s (the 1984 team in particular) and as a coach in the 2000s and early 2010s, how the letdown of 1984 compared to the letdown of 2003, what he felt about the Ricketts family when they took over, getting hit by a pitch in fantasy camp by Ernie Banks’ son, and much more. Enjoy!


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