This week we have a chat with filmmaker Guetty Felin. Her film, Ayiti Mon Amour, was Haiti’s first-ever Oscar-nominated film. Guetty is an award-winning independent filmmaker, teacher, and film curator. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and raised in New York, she holds an MFA from the University of Paris School of Cinema. Throughout her career, she...

This week we have a chat with filmmaker Guetty Felin. Her film, Ayiti Mon Amour, was Haiti’s first-ever Oscar-nominated film. Guetty is an award-winning independent filmmaker, teacher, and film curator. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and raised in New York, she holds an MFA from the University of Paris School of Cinema. Throughout her career, she has worked on factual and narrative films for European and American television. She produced and co-curated the critically-acclaimed Haiti on Screen in 2004 to celebrate Haiti’s bicentennial. She also helped to launch Haiti’s Film Festival Jakmèl in 2004.

Check out the trailer below. You can watch the entire film on Amazon Prime.