Welcome back to The Speaking Tree, the show where we take a deeper dive into the Animorphs universe! This week we’ll be talking about Animorphs #34: The Prophecy, the Cassie book where her brain gets inhabited by the ghost of Aldrea!

We talk about:

How would you have gotten the Yeerk fighter out from under the tree/Yeerk pool?

How would you use morphing to erase a doodle you made on a piece of homework?

How would you use a wolf morph in your own life for purely personal reasons?

This week’s Fanimail:

@oldsongsplease: https://twitter.com/oldsongsplease/status/1094763690992254976?s=19

@drbankruptcy: https://twitter.com/DorkBajir/status/1063825394766413824?s=19

Check out our Podcast Page on the Collective Legacy Podcast Network site: www.collectivelegacy.org/fanimorphs

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