Welcome to the second half of the series! This week on The Dork-Bajir Chronicles we read and discuss Animorphs #28: The Experiment, the Ax book where they invade a slaughterhouse and also save some chimpanzees!

We have a lot of questions about this book. Could you rip open someone’s stomach with a wrench? Is this book saying factory farming is actually, factually okay to do? How much money would it take for each of us to be okay pooping in front of each other? So many deep dives into stuff that should probably be left alone!

This week’s Fanimail:
@GDPosta: https://twitter.com/GDPosta/status/1023943502063915011

@Tellurium124: https://twitter.com/Tellurium124/status/1063813510621212673

Check out our Podcast Page on the Collective Legacy Podcast Network site: www.collectivelegacy.org/fanimorphs

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