Previous Episode: 221. Fandom Potpourri

This week Patrons get some TV Time, Tayler has the Movies, Branden’s going to show you how to deconstruct your favorite comic characters and Nik gets trapped in a Dungeon, but that’s what happens when you play in the Fantasy and magical genres.  The Fandom Podcast Begins Now We are on week 2 of our July Experiment, let us know your thoughts and feelings about it, you can send us an email to [email protected] Segments TV – Patrons Get Perks...

The post 222. Dungeons, Dragons, and Death Eaters appeared first on The Fandom Podcast.

This week Patrons get some TV Time, Tayler has the Movies, Branden’s going
to show you how to deconstruct your favorite comic characters and Nik gets
trapped in a Dungeon, but that’s what happens when you play in the Fantasy and
magical genres.  The Fandom Podcast Begins Now

We are on week 2 of our July Experiment, let us know your thoughts and
feelings about it, you can send us an email to [email protected]


TV – Patrons
Get Perks and our TV Talk about the Dark Ages before our On Demand Lifestyle
will be a Patreon Exclusive, Become a Patron by going to and sign up to be a Fandomite, a Member of the
FannyPack, or become a True Fandomaniac. Again that’s

Movies – One of the most iconic Magical
movies of all time is Harry Potter. Tayler leads a discussion on Which Harry
Potter is the best.  What did they leave out, and most importantly how do
you say Beauxbaton.

Comics –  This week’s
theme is fantasy and magic and not to steal from TV, but Stranger things had an
Awesome D&D campaign in season three and the game, in general, is having a
bit of a resurgence in popularity, and so I sat Down with Fandomaniac Colton
Cutshaw to talk about how to take your favorite Comic Book characters and turn
them into playable D&D characters.  Even If you’re not into D&D
it’s really a fun exercise to think about what makes your favorite Hero tick
and how to then use that to recreate them in really anything you’d ever need to
create characters for.

 Books – A Little show
called Critical Role has taken all of Nik’s book time away for months.  He
has been obsessed and wants to share the joy with Tayler and Branden, and so he
has found a quiz to determine what D&D Character Tayler should be.


Hey, guys, we didn’t get anything in the mailbag this week.  We went
through a patch where it was hard to read feedback on the show, but I think this
new format will fix that so send us emails to [email protected]
or for links to the social media sites head over to

Our theme for next week is Comfort and habit, so if you have a fandom that
is just like a warm fuzzy blanket send it into us using that contact form and
we will try to work it into the show.

So Until Next Time May, the Fandom be with you!

The post 222. Dungeons, Dragons, and Death Eaters appeared first on The Fandom Podcast.