A couple of weeks ago, I hosted a Facebook Live entitled, “Are You Too Old for a Career in Wildlife Biology? When I advertised for this event on my social media, I got quite a few comments. 

One of them was from senior program manager at the National Parks Conservation Association, Jeffrey Hunter. He responded with “this was me,” meaning he started his career later in life. I knew I had to invite him to talk about his late start in the wildlife field on the podcast.

Many people fear they are too old to start a career in wildlife biology after they started another one, or perhaps just graduated from school and realized their degree was not right for them. By old, I don’t even mean old! People in their late 20s and early 30s are worried that they are too old!

Many people fear they are too old to start a career in wildlife biology after they started another one, or perhaps just graduated from school and realized their degree was not right for them. By old, I don’t even mean old! People in their late 20s and early 30s are worried that they are too old!

Jeffrey started his career in wildlife when he was 40, after spending 20 years working for Verizon in corporate America. This is a fantastic conversation for anyone who thinks it is too late for them! Jeffrey offers a lot of advice for those entering the field so even if you aren’t a late bloomer, this is still a great episode to listen to.

How and why Jeffrey Hunter started his career in wildlife at 40 years oldDid Jeffrey face discrimination as an older applicant?How his corporate skills helped get him his first jobHow he got offered the second job he was interviewed forPerspective and advice on working for government and nonprofit jobsHow volunteering with citizen science projects for years helped him land a jobCareer advice for wildlife biologists and related careersand MORE!

For full show notes click here.

Get a free chapter of my book “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know” here: https://stephanieschuttler.com/getting-a-job-in-wildlife-biology-book/

Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 

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I go live in my Facebook group every other Wednesday at 12 PM EST to answer a wildlife biology question. Join me! https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/ 

Join the “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology” Facebook group to connect with other aspiring wildlife biologists, post your questions and get free advice: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingajobinwildlifebiology

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