What you eat has a huge impact on wildlife and that’s true for the ocean too. Commercial fishing can have large-scale negative impacts on dolphins, turtles, and whole ecosystems. Overfishing can endanger the species that is fished affecting ecosystems and our food availability.  

Some people advocate for stopping to eat seafood all together, but this may not be the best option for us and sea life. A better option is sustainable seafood – but what is this? And how do you know what to buy? 

I invited Jackie Marks of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to the podcast to talk about everything sustainable seafood. I’ve been looking for the MSC logo every time I buy fish for the past few years now. In this podcast we talk about what that certification represents. 

Specifically we talk about:

What is sustainable seafood? How does it differ from regular seafood? Is there such a thing as sustainable fishing or it is a myth? What is the Marine Stewardship Council? How do companies earn the certification on their products? What does it mean to be certified? Do we still need to buy dolphin safe tuna? How is MSC different than dolphin safe?Should people go completely vegan/vegetarian? What would be the consequences of that? Are there specific species we should avoid? General recommendations when ordering seafood? What did Seaspiracy get wrong? And what did they get right? How did they misrepresent the MSC?and MORE!

Remember, when it comes to change, he key is to always move towards progress – not perfection. It is way better to have lots of people taking action imperfectly than few people getting it all right. 

For full show notes click here.

Get a free chapter of my book “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know” to see how I can help you in your career: https://stephanieschuttler.com/getting-a-job-in-wildlife-biology-book/ 

Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

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