This week Kirsty discusses adult friendships, what she has learnt from friendship that went awry in the past. As weel as the importance of being your own friend. New Episodes EVERY THURSDAY at 6PM GMT. Don't forget to follow @fancyablether on Instagram, and you can check out our brand new website here

What I've Been Engaging With This Week: The Innocence Project on Netflix. You can check out the Innocence Project London here. 

Poem of the Week: You can find the poem of the week on my personal poetry website - Observe Absorb Write 

Charity Spot of The Week: Age UK

What I've Been Reading This Week: The Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña. 

Positive News Story: College Grad Designs Ramen Packing That Dissolves in Hot Water, you can find out more about student Holly Grounds work on her website