Kirsty discusses what she does to remain positive and ways we can all prioritise our mental wellbeing, with a slight focus on recent times. New Episodes every Thursday 6pm BST. Please subscribe, follow and review the show, and don't forget to follow @fancyablether on Instagram.

Poem of the Week: 'Yell Sound' by Jackie Kay 

Instagram Video Mentioned: Mary Mandfield's Dear White People 

What I've Been Engaging With: 13th, Pose and Disclosure (can all be found on Netflix) 

Charity of the Week: Scottish Association for Mental Health, you can learn more about their charity or use the resources provided in the information hub. 

What I've Been Reading: 'Made in Scotland' by Billy Connolly 

Positive News Story: Marcus Rashford's free school meals victory. Originally found here but you can read more about it here.