Identical twin brothers, engineers and comic book writers Varian and Darian Johnson give us the Flash Facts about 3-D Printing in the new DC Comics Graphic Novel put forth by Mayim Bialik.

In a graphic novel geared towards 8-to-12 year olds, Flash Facts takes us through a handful of chapters in the applied sciences more commonly referred to now as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) sometimes also called STEAM (the "A" is for Arts) and how these items, when applied correctly can add major value to our lives.

Enter Varian and Darian Johnson, identical twin brothers who wrote Chapter Two's If You Can't Take the Heat, featuring Batman teaming up with Plastic Man in using a 3-D printer Varian Johnson was a structural engineer before he became a writer and Darian Johnson works in 3-D printing. The Johnson brothers teamed up together for this seven page story in how Batman using STEM to create a flame retardant suit.

These two gentlemen had a lot of interesting things to say about the state of education, the significance of applied sciences and what it's like being adult twins with rhyming names...of which, my maternal grandparents did to my uncles.

As a former educator myself and the son of an engineer, this book is very important to me because I lost interest in the sciences quite quickly simply with the way the subject matters were taught. Engineering is taught using geometry and theory long before we ever looked at an engine or a building and by the time we got to those things, I was already uninterested. Science classes were worse because we learned a million Greek and Latin terms before getting to the most worthless pay off at the end of the 45 minute lesson...and that's how you make a glass bottle. That's my little venting fest for now.

Follow Varian Johnson on Twitter @vjohnson and his official website

Follow Darian Johnson at his official website

Flash Facts is available this today, Tuesday, February 2, 2021 from DC Comics.

#STEM #STEAM #FlashFacts #DCComics #MayimBialik #VarianJohnson #DarianJohnson #Engineering #3DPrinting #FanboyNation 

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