Nick E. Tarabay is most recognized for his work on the Spartacus franchise as Ashur. He has also been a Klingon in Star Trek: Into Darkness, Digger Harkness aka Captain Boomerang on Arrow and several other notable projects like Longmore, NCIS and is currently developing a new series based on the novel of the same name by Karim El Koussa entitled The Phoenician Code.

The Phoenician Code is a project that of Paul Khoury that follows historical, theological and archaeological facts fictionalized for a story that has been dubbed, "the antithesis of the Di Vinci Code." Both Tarabay and Koussa were born in Lebanon making them direct descendants of the Phoenician people, making the story a far more personal event.

Tarabay, who grew up during the Lebanese Civil War, with a no-nonsense father, who allowed his son to pursue his acting aspirations. Tarabay, in his own words was an active kid that couldn't sit still and whether performing Motion Capture (MoCap), like The Butcher in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or Ashur in Spartacus, he enjoys the physicality as being part of his performances.

We caught up with Tarabay to discuss how he remains healthy during all this craziness going on in the world, the mental toughness in remaining calm not only during a civil war but a pandemic as well, his love of acting a whole host of other things.

Follow Nick E. Tarabay on Twitter @nicktaraby and on Instagram @nicktarabay.

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