Camp Manna Co-Director Eric Johnson and Star Evan Koons Talk About The Film's Release Available on VOD and DVD, Friday, October 15, 2021.

When I first read the description of Camp Manna, I was a little apprehensive about seeing the film. Although, I am not an Evangelical Protestant, I do have a bit of a soft spot for my Christian brethren on complete opposite end  of the pendulum swing of Christianity.

When I heard Gary Busey was going to be the head camp counselor, I really got worried, but after seeing Camp Manna, I realized we often satirize what we enjoy and if we can't laugh at ourselves, then who can we laugh at?

Luckily, I was able to chat with co-director Eric Johnson and one of the stars of Camp Manna, Evan Koons and chat about the film, the process in making it and the casting as a whole. We even poke fun at our various denominations within Christendom.

Camp Manna will be available on VOD and DVD, Friday, October 15, 2021.

Follow Camp Manna on Twitter @CampMannaMovie, on Instagram @campmannamovie and on Facebook  at Camp Manna Movie.

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