Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Speaker, Coach & Author Al Lyman .. When Al Lyman was 25, he made a conscious decision to "die healthy." The phrase he used at the time was to "square the curve." Every day since then, he's made it his goal to learn how to create good health and vitality and then share what he's learned with others so they too might benefit. That journey led to him writing a book at age 62 titled Age Well and Feel Great: The Proven Path to Solving the Aging Puzzle. Along his lifelong quest for good health and fitness and vitality, he's finished dozens of marathons including having a 2:39 Boston Marathon personal best, 9 ironman triathlons including 3 finishes at the Ironman Triathlon World Championships in Kona, Hawaii, numerous sports therapy and strength and conditioning certifications, as well as having owned and operated a gait analysis lab in partnership with a sports physician. Enjoy this Interview ..  

More on Al - https://theallyman.com/

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