Today's guest is a Pediatric Nurse turn stay at home mom who has always had a love for reading and writing, and she finally decided to pursue it full time while also getting the opportunity to stay home with her kiddos like she always dreamed. She is now a blogger, podcaster, freelance writer, and podcast manager. Today I'm excited to introduce you to Bethany Adkins.

In This Episode You'll Learn Our journey's are all different and that it's never too late to change courses and pursue your dreams. Taking the risks of leaving a 9-5/weighing the options and the first steps you should take Pushback Bethany felt from family/friends when leaving her 9-5 for a life of entrepreneurship Job security - Corporate vs. Entrepreneurship How Bethany defines "balance." And more!

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I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role.

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