Your host Meg Brunson interviews business coach Tom Sylvester who shares the story of how his entrepreneurial journey started with a dream to retire at age 35 and grew into a coaching business built around he and his wife’s passion to help other entrepreneurs have more impact in their business and more freedom in their lifestyle.

In this episode you'll discover:

Being a successful entrepreneur means you can identify the kind of lifestyle you want and then build your business around that. Being aligned in regular and honest communication with your spouse or partner must be a priority in entrepreneurship in marriage. Being the right person for your business is more important than having the perfect strategy for your business.

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I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role.

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