DISCLAIMER: This episode discusses the recent abortion legislation passed by Georgia - this is a topic that may not be appropriate for all family members - that's your call to make!


This is not the typical episode because we're discussing the recent legislation on terminating pregnancy in Alabama - if you do not want your children exposed to this content, you may want to listen privately. I am in the middle of reading a book called "I Think You're Wrong, But I'm Listening" and it is a very timely read for me. We are in such a politically charged climate - and it's easy to get caught in the mudslinging. It's easy to pass judgement when you don't really know... this is a book I believe everyone should be reading, especially right now.


This week, Alabama passed an Abortion law more strict than any other abortion law -  I am not here to breakdown the law, but rather share my experiences and my concerns. I am hoping as people share their experiences and the reasoning behind their feelings, I am hoping that we'll be able to have productive conversations and come to some understanding or compromise on this issue.


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