She was born and raised in Maine and moved to Phoenix soon after being married. She is a proud mama to 2 adopted children. She’s built a business around connecting with other moms and creating healthy lifestyles focused on organic nutrition. Let’s get the conversation started today with Alison Rand!

The Notes Alison was exposed to lots of family run businesses all throughout her childhood.  Many people have been exposed to these types of businesses and may not even realize it.  Alison’s mother ran a daycare out of their home, for instance. So from a young age Alison saw opportunities where people could be their own boss and have control over what they wanted in life.   What stands out in Alison’s story is that it wasn’t a singular event or role model that guided towards being an entrepreneur herself.  It was many building blocks over the years that drove her to go down that path. Medical Note:  What is Hashimoto’s?  An autoimmune disease where the body doesn’t regulate itself.  Symptoms include: Exhaustion, eczema, sleeping issues, weight gain (despite appropriate diet), clumps of hair falling out. It was finding the solution to her Hashimoto’s that set Alison on her path with her business Purium - network marketing “social sharing economy”. If your gut is out of whack for some reason, that’s going to lead to a host of other issues so it’s critical to have your gut healthy.  Just like you want to keep your brain healthy, you want to keep your gut healthy for the same reason and when both are in line you will be optimized. Although her kids approach food very differently, her daughter is up for anything whereas her son is much pickier, both kids like Purium. Alison’s children accompany her on all of her business ventures when she’s out and about (They’re affectionately known as “The Three Musketeers”).  This gives them the chance to see how others operate in the same space as Alison; public speaking, a 1-on-1, doctors, and so many others. Although her children expressed entrepreneurial tendencies prior to Alison involving them in her business, seeing Alison run her own business has stoked the fires of her children’s own entrepreneurial drive. Video games are a lot of fun, but to one of Alison’s children it’s more than just a diversion.  Be sure to check it out! On her advice to someone thinking about starting their own business:  “Do it. The more we sit on it and think on it, the more it will get pushed off.”

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